16 February 2006

The 'Unified Quiz'

[Before I start, a few housekeeping items:
1. I have no idea where the post on 'Meetings' has gone. I am still impressed that the internet (usually) works when I tell it to, so trying to retrieve a post is like violating the second law of thermodynamics as far as I am concerned (which, incidentally, cannot be done).
2. I posted a ton of new pictures a few days ago, but haven't gotten a chance to write about it. I think that those who are brave enough to look at them will find an interesting surprise.]

Well, Monday was a day of fun for a lot of people here at SGU. As our first real testing experience, it was amazing to me the things that people will do at this point in their educational careers. For example: a cell phone rang during the middle of the exam. I am still amazed when this happens in class, and although our professors don't throw conniption fits like Mike Sherman, it boggles the mind that this kind of thing would take place at medical school.

As for me, I had a nerve-wracking experience, and it happened as I was working on my biochemistry section. To preface, there were proctors all over the lecture hall and obviously one would have to be stupid to try to communicate (or use the phone, I would think). Eventually, one of the proctors came to rest on the stairwell behind me, which wasn't very comforting, but since I wasn't cheating, I wasn't terribly concerned.

That feeling changed immensely when a woman a few rows behind had finished her exam and was walking down the stairs to the front. I was on the aisle, so noticed her walk by and then drop her scan-tron sheet onto my feet. So, now I've got the proctor watching me and I don't know whether to pick it up and hand it to her, lest I be accused of some academic issues. It was probably comical for me to be thinking about this at the time, but I was pretty concerned. Fortunately, I didn't have to make any choices as the woman then leaned over and picked her own sheet of my shoes.

This was also strange as I didn't know what the professor might think we were talking about while she bent down past me. Overall, it was new for me since such a simple event had never been so meaningful to me before. It was all for nothing as there was no problem and the proctor knew it was innocent, but it gave my heart a jump momentarily.

After the exam, it’s safe to say all 1st termers had the same idea: head for the beach! We all were on busses all afternoon and enjoying ourselves on the sands of Grand Anse. It was great fun. Incidentally, virtually all the pictures come from Grand Anse. It’s a beautiful beach, the water was warm and the sun was hot. I can't complain at all. We were able to relax for the first time since classes have started, did not have to think about school for the afternoon and were truly able to take advantage of the island which we will inhabit for two years. Finally.

Anyway, after the beach, we headed back to campus and a group us cleaned up to go to Steward's for dinner. You couldn't ask for a more perfect night. We watched the sunset on the beach and then had Carib and quesadillas for dinner, sitting on the water-front and listening to come reggae music (ok, I'd be lying if I said I haven't heard enough reggae for a while), but you still couldn't ask for a better ending. Although Steward's is located next door to a resort, the staff is extremely friendly and since we were the only people at the bar on a Monday, we had their full attention and could just chit-chat and enjoy their perspective on Grenada and how much they truly love where they are in life.

So, the week has been suitable so far. Sadly, we have midterms in two weeks, which puts a severe damper on our state of relaxation, but, that is the nature of the beast. Enjoy the pictures and if you're in Wisconsin, don't look out the window at the same time.


Anonymous Anonymous said...

I'm envious of you!!! When is it that we can come visit? Keep up the strong work, good luck with midterms!


10:49 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

You lost your beard! You're very handsome (and a little sunburned!).
What a beautiful beach. How did you do on the exam? asked the mother.
Love, Mom

11:14 AM  

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